Jul 26, 2012

County Fair

The Zion County Fair is coming up in a couple weeks!
Who knew we’d still be living here?
I honestly thought we’d be gone by the end of June.


Last year, Scooter and I submitted a few pictures in the Photo Competition
and actually won a couple ribbons!
It was our first time to present entries in a fair and we were so excited.
I won a BLUE RIBBON (woot)
and my budding photographer, who had just gotten a new camera for his birthday,
won TWO THIRD PLACE RIBBONS! (woot woot!)

We decided – since we’re still here –

So we culled through our photos and picked a couple of our favorites.
I just sent them off to the printer.
We’ll get them matted or framed and then
cross our fingers
that the judges like them as much as we do!

(I’m pretty sure the judges are going to LOVE Scooter’s submissions!)

Scooter’s Photos:
(I had to put the black band on these to make them fit into an 8x10 format.
It’s so weird that when you take a photo with a digital camera, it doesn’t automatically fit into a nice neat 8x10 or 5x7.
You have to use tricky cropping, or in this case, a band on top and bottom.
If I cropped these particular pictures down to an 8x10, we would have lost valuable parts of the scene
and I wanted the judges to see everything Scooter saw in the camera lens.
I’m pretty sure the band will be hidden inside the frame/mat and won’t be easily seen.)

Makoshika Adam 8x10Makoshika Adam Scenic 8x10

My submissions:

IMG_1709 (2) 8x10

DSC_0051b 8x10


(Honestly, if we don’t win a ribbon,
We have fun taking pictures!)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Oh, I’m not with these guys.
I’m with the pigging competition down in the pavilion
                                                                – Lenny in “That Thing You Do”


thorkgal said...

I'm so confused... What's happening with you guys? To move or not to move, that is the question? School is just around the corner and I'm sure that is a deciding factor.
Anyway... Beautiful pictures.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Ah...."Betty" I send an invite to your "home" address. Not sure if it will get to you. Thanks for the offer of help. You are a sweetheart.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh and the photo of the old wood and sign are my fav! What kind of camera did scooter get. I love looking at cameras.