Mar 4, 2014


Scooter is in 5th grade,
which means he’s doing the
D.A.R.E. program.

The school resource police officer comes in and teaches the kids
about drugs, alcohol, and bullying.
They teach ways of saying “no”
of coping with stress and peer pressure.

Scooter has enjoyed the program.
He talks to me frequently about it.
He has long held an abhorrence for any substance:
tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

He always freaks out when he finds out someone he admires
(Michael Jackson, Johnny Cash, Bill Cosby or any other Hollywood-type person)
actually drinks alcohol.
Why would anyone drink it, if it can cause so many physical and emotional problems?
It breaks his heart.
Telling him that MJ and JC also did drugs was horrifying to him.

We’ve had many (I mean MANY) looong talks about these people
and how they didn’t make the same covenants he did when he got baptized.
We talk about free agency.
We talk about worldly ways vs. godly ways.
We talk about being non-judgmental.
I think he finally gets it.
He wishes they wouldn’t do these things, but understands they’re free to choose
for themselves.
But I also hope and pray he will continue having the abhorrence for these substances.

One of the final activities before “graduation” is writing a report.
I thought he did a pretty good job.

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Don’t you think D.A.R.E is fun? In D.A.R.E we have learned how to avoid alcohol, tobacco, and bullying. We all need to know what it does to us and how to avoid it.

Bullying is a very depressing thing. It can harm you physically or emotionally. One bad form of bullying is cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is where people are bullied on some social media such as Facebook or Twitter. Unlike cyber bullying, physical bullying hurts you through physical ways like shoving, pushing, and doing all other acts of mean things to your body. Emotional bullying, only hurts your feelings, but it is in some ways, the worst. It is where the bully starts to make fun of you, say bad things about you, and make people hate you. There is a thing called a help network that helps us go through trials such as bullying. A help network is a bunch of people that you are able to turn to for help. Some people on your help network might be your mom, dad, or teacher. If you think bullying is pretty bad, you should see what alcohol does.

Alcohol is something you drink that hurts your body. One thing that it does to your body is that it weakens your heart, so it causes it to slow down and eventually, it will stop giving blood to the rest of your body. It causes memory loss which means they might not remember ANYTHING at all. In some cases, they might not even remember YOU. Even though alcohol does some pretty nasty things, I believe tobacco is the worst.

No one should even use tobacco. It can hurt your lungs meaning you will die of cancer from all those chemicals that you inhale from the smoke. Did you know that there is more than 200 harmful known chemicals in cigarette smoke? One bad thing is nicotine. It causes you to be addicted to the cigarette.

All the drugs and bullying can injure your body in numerous ways. Alcohol and tobacco hurt you internally, bullying hurts your outside body. So, I promise never to do drugs OR bully anybody.


aaaa said...

thanks for the post. four a fifth grade he writes pretty good.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is such a great report! He did so well.

He's such an amazing kiddo!

Ya, the DARE program is a great thing for these kids. I love how involved the officers are with the kids.